Meeting My Inners
by Graham Mummery
£8.99 (pub. 2015)
Reviews & Testimonials
"Graham Mummery is a lightning conductor for the inventive and the contemplative, for learning lightly worn. We are treated to Schrödinger's Cat, a singing sunflower, a conversation woth a stag, a dreaming ghazal, and the gods in the form of diseases. As alert new voice, imbued with sit and seriousness, refreshingly difficult to pin down."
Moniza Alvi
"Graham Mummery's wry and unusual poetry is the perfect riposte to the humdrum: learned, yet humane; literary, yet of today. It is to be relished."
John Stammers
"Graham Mummery will rescue you barefooted with Einstein. He will explain to you the whole universe."
Ambit 192
"On the one hand, the voice of the dissenting everyman, the child stilll standing in the crowd impolitely reminding the emperors that they have no clothes on, on the other, worldly, playful analyst of numerous inner selves, Mummery is a poet who will make you laugh and make you think."
David Floyd, Brittle Star
